viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

How establish your own ideal weight?

The person ideal weight depends on many factors such as height, body frame, body type, fat percentage and muscle tone. However, you can always have a clear reference about your ideal or normal weight considering just your stature and own body weight.
These days, doctors and nutritionists use the "Body Mass Index" or BMI (also known as Quetelet index) to establish whether a person body weight is appropriate or not. To know these, they apply a simple method dividing the current weight (in kilograms) by the height raised to the power of 2 (in meters). That is, weight / height2. The result gotten by the mathematical operation is compare in a table, which indicates a normal or ideal weight including values between 20 and 25. When this result is below 20, there is a risk of lack of nourishment or underweight, whereas above 25 will show an excess weight that can go from overweight to morbid obesity (values above 35). For example, if you weigh 60 kilos and your height is 1.65 meters, the applicable formula is 60 / (1.65 x 1.65) = 60 / 2.7225 = 22.03; this value indicates that you have a normal weight.

Results obtain by BMI formula should be compare with the following value table:

 Women values are:
16 or less: Malnutrition
17 to 20: Underweight
20 to 24: Normal Weight
25 to 29: Overweight
30 to 34: Obesity
35 to 39: Severe obesity
40 or more: Morbid obesity

Men values are:
17 or less: Malnutrition
18 to 20: Underweight
20 to 25: Normal Weight
26 to 30: Overweight
31 to 35: Obesity
36 to 40: Severe obesity
41 or more: Morbid obesity

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