lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013

Four golden tips to lose weight forever

1. Begin at onceThe ideal time to start a diet is when you plan to do so; you do not need to assign the next Monday or a specific day. The idea of start a diet at the beginning of the week has no an extra benefit, on the contrary, it hold back the way to achieve the habit of eat to lose weight. The days indicated on a diet plan, only should be use as a useful guide to know when and what to eat.

2. Replace foodRemove from your refrigerator the more fatty foods (rich in saturated fat, sugar and condiment) and replace them with healthier but equally delicious foods.

3. Cover the needsDiets that make you starve eventually generate anxiety, and you end gobble up everything that is within your reach. Therefore, you should not get obsessed and keep in mind that is better to take a longer time to lose weight than to gain weight fast. The important thing is to follow a balanced diet that covers all nutritional needs and allows you to maintain the weight that you already accomplished.

4. Move your bodyTo lose weight you need to exercise regularly. Strength exercises tone the muscles while aerobic exercises (walking, jogging, swimming, and bicycling) help to keep your heart healthy; both are necessary. Remember that if you train your body, muscles will allow you to burn calories still at rest.

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