martes, 4 de junio de 2013

The importance of keeping good Personal hygiene

The man in the bus with smell that makes your nose cringe; your colleague who really stinks and you can’t escape, the really good looking girl with dirt under her fingernails or your boss who smells of cheese and onion with every breath he exhales- they all have somehow missed out on that essential point in their life called “Personal hygiene”. A practice that entails bathing regularly, keeping your hair clean, trimming fingernails and toenails, brushing your teeth and using deodorant; personal hygiene can enhance your self-confidence and improve your chances of success in many areas of your life.
A lack of it however can have immense social and health ramifications. To add bad hygiene practices can even make one suffer from life taking diseases!

Personal Hygiene and diseases

Did you know that your personal hygiene can affect other people adversely? Unwashed hands when in contact with food and shared, can pass infections or viruses on to other people. Unwashed and unclean hands when in contact with food can give rise to a number of food-borne illnesses like Jaundice and Food Poison. This holds particularly true for people who work directly with the public like restaurant workers, nurses, dentists or even your grocery store guy!

Personal hygiene and Social Effects

It’s true that people who are not properly groomed run the risk of being ridiculed. If your child has bad hygiene habits- he may get picked on! Problems such as body odors can cause lack of self confidence around one’s work atmosphere or even your loved ones. A person who is properly groomed and bathes regularly is more likely to exude confidence, which in turn will make her socially acceptable.

Personal Hygiene and Health Effects

A lack of personal hygiene is the root cause for many health problems. People who do not bathe regularly are susceptible to fungal infections such as jock itch, athlete’s feet or toenail fungus. Further, a lack of oral hygiene can cause fungal infections like oral thrush. Many fail to wash their hands regularly and in turn bring in a host of bacterias and viruses that cause infection. In fact you’d like to know that Bed bugs are the result of bad hygiene too which invades only when the bed has not been cleaned regularly.

What causes bad hygiene habits?

The cause for a bad hygiene is mainly psychological though for some, that is the very way of life. Whether depression, loss of loved ones, job problems or even cynicism can give rise to bad hygiene.

Be warned

Apart from small time diseases that can be easily cured, a lack of personal hygiene can also lead to a deadly infection called MRSA, or Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Resistant to most antibiotics, and an infection that mainly happen in the staf, failure to rid of MRSA can cause even cause fatal blood diseases and hence death.
It takes one very little to maintain a good hygiene habit and prevention is always better than cure. As little as bathing properly regularly and good oral habits can help you have a successful life, a good social reputation and a long, hassle free life.

© Text: healthy Times Blog.

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